Mrs Triffett, Maree Elizabeth
(nee Bollen)
08.02.1953 – 25.08.2023
Passed away peacefully surrounded by family.
Adored wife of Stephen.
Treasured mother of Jacinta, Damian (dec.), Brendan, Kate and Anthony
Cherished mother-in-law of Richard, Dave, Lucy and Laura.
Dearly loved Nanny of Lachlan, Ella, Jake, Jade, Faustina, Elroy, Hugo, Victoria, Edith, Avila, Pearl, Chloe, Bastian and Margot.
Much loved and treasured sister of Sister Catherine Maria (Elaine), Majella (Barbara) and Chris Bollen (dec.).
Beloved daughter of Eddie (dec.) and Mary Bollen (dec.).
Treasured sister-in-law to many.
The family would like to thank the doctors, nurses and hospital staff at Calvary, Lenah Valley and Gibson Ward, St John’s for their loving care and support.
In God’s care, forever in our hearts.
““Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”” Matthew 25:23.